Our Business Conduct Policy

Commitment to Responsible Business Conduct

Business Edge is fully committed to responsible business conduct towards our employees, suppliers, and all relevant stakeholders. Our approach is rooted in internationally recognized principles of human rights (including labor rights), environmental protection, and anti-corruption.

Business Edge applies responsible business practices in all our operations and we expect the same from our partners. Our commitment extends to ethical behavior, transparency, and compliance with applicable laws and regulations in all countries where we operate.


Adherence to Ethical Standards

We adhere to the principles outlined in this policy and the implementation requirements associated with them. We strive to collaborate with others who share our commitments to business integrity, compliance, and responsible conduct.

We take reasonable steps to ensure that our business partners also work toward meeting these policy requirements. In the event that we become aware of any of our partners acting inconsistently with these principles, we will use our influence to mitigate negative impacts and prevent recurrence. Where necessary, we will inform the relevant authorities of non-compliance with applicable laws.


Impartiality and Conflict of Interest

Our advice, judgments, and decisions are impartial. We openly disclose any potential conflicts of interest to ensure transparency and fairness in all business dealings.


Identification and Management of Negative Impacts

We are proactive in identifying any actual or potential negative impacts on the principles laid out in this policy. Upon identification, we take immediate and appropriate action to prevent and mitigate such impacts.

We continuously monitor and assess our activities to ensure compliance with the principles, and we make relevant information available to stakeholders regarding the actions taken to mitigate impacts and prevent recurrence.


Complaints and Access to Remedy

We encourage all employees, suppliers, and stakeholders to raise concerns or complaints regarding any aspect of this policy, without fear of retaliation or discrimination. Complaints raised in good faith will be thoroughly investigated, and corrective action will be taken where necessary.

To raise a concern or file a complaint, please contact us at legal@businessedge.fi. We are committed to resolving issues promptly and fairly.


Zero Tolerance for Unethical Practices

In addition to the core principles outlined in this policy, we maintain a zero-tolerance approach toward the following practices:

  • Participation in or support for bribery, corruption, or any fraudulent activity.
  • The use of forced or bonded labor, including human trafficking.
  • Any form of inhumane, harsh, or degrading treatment of employees.
  • Exposure to dangerous working conditions without proper notification of hazards and the implementation of safety measures.
  • Complicity in crimes against humanity, including war crimes, genocide, torture, and forced disappearances.
  • Forced child labor or any activities that threaten the health, safety, or moral development of children.
  • Deliberate pollution of air, soil, or water that endangers human health or the environment.

Continuous Improvement and Responsibility

We are committed to the continuous improvement of our practices to meet the evolving standards of responsible business conduct. We will work with our partners to promote sustainable and ethical business operations.

Through transparency, accountability, and integrity, we aim to build lasting, responsible partnerships that drive positive impact across all aspects of our business.


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